Dust Shoe for CNC Mill (2021)
Requirements: capture wood dust during milling operation
Solution: this project (as extension to cyclone dust collector)
Design and CAM Preparation (February 27, 2021)
Preview of drafts for top and bottom of dust shoe. The upper part is clamped to the router and holds the dust collector pipe. The bottom is held by magnetes and can be removed and placed quickly. This allows changing the end mill with everything else staying in place.
Material/thickness: top 18mm ply wood, bottom part 9mm ply wood
Prototyping of Bottom (March 1, 2021)
The weekend is over... time to make some noise. The first trial run on a scrap piece of wood went astonishingly well. The broken surface is a result of me not being carefull enough when removing the tag dressups. The result would have been picture-perfect otherwise.